EU grants
Smart Track
As they say: R&D runs this show. We did a test in the immediate area: apparently it reads well.
Startup platforms
If your startup is still at the idea stage, the Startup Platforms program might be the right fit for you.
Regional Operational Programmes
We sometimes refer to Regional Operational Programs (RPO) as mini-SMARTs. These are grant competitions for R&D projects and the implementation of their outcomes, organized at the regional level by individual voivodeships (provinces).
Startup Booster Poland
Startup Booster Poland. The program offers, among others, non-repayable grants of up to PLN 400,000 for the product development, with no obligatory own contribution. Sounds interesting? Read more
Funding for technology startups
That is, what tigers do best. We coordinate competitions for startups, evaluate submitted applications, are mentors in accelerator projects and are happy to share our knowledge on these topics.