Mokotowska 1 00-640 Warsaw Poland
Tax Services: + 48 607 121 060 EU grants: +48 501 679 162 Email:
The battle between Polish taxpayers, Polish tax authorities, and Polish administrative courts over the look-through approach (LTA) continues and shows no signs of ending.
Does the warehouse operated by independent / external logistics operator create a tax permanent establishment of a Swedish company in Poland?
Polish government announced first details of new policies regarding financing of innovations with public grants. Over PLN 4,8 billion will be allocated to selected industries
FAQ from expats including foreign founders of startups.
What tax I will pay when relocating from Poland?
Are you the founder of a startup set-up outside of Poland? Or perhaps you are a foreign entrepreneur wondering in which country to establish and grow your startup? If so, the Poland Prize program might be something of interest for you.
Those who know us, know: finding funding for startups is one of our specializations.
Apparently, the last thing to do before climbing a ladder is to shake it to make sure it is stable.
Recently, we increasingly encounter the opinion that the term "SME sector" in the context of EU funds is being used extensively, while EU funds for large enterprises are somewhat neglected.
Wczoraj z okazji Walentynek, Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości… wydłużyła rozstrzygnięcie konkursu SMART 2 do września. Tak, tego roku.
At Tax&Tech Kraft, we often work with incentive program plans (primarily stock option plans), and we find that tax issues become at least as important as purely legal issues.
Miło nam przekazać informację, iż w pierwszym konkursie z serii Startup Booster Poland pomogliśmy pozyskać 16,5 mln PLN na projekt fundacji Startup Hub Poland.